Sunday, September 23, 2007

Week 9 - Thing 21

Interesting tutorial and search through various podcast directories. Particularly enjoyed babblebooks accessed through - although not quite sure what to make of the robotic voice narration - other podcasts that might be of interest to library patrons include ShakesPodosphEare (poetry and commentary) and Writers in the Sky a (podcast about the craft and business of writing).

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Week 9 - Thing 20

YouTube is one of the few Web 2.0 sites I was aware of before 23 Things. I have two teenage sons and occasionally they've shown me videos on YouTube. While many of the videos are quite funny - others are pretty much a waste of time. The language can be a little rough and the themes can be pretty mature/even offensive. It seems to exist purely for entertainment - although some videos are clearly satiric and satire can be instructive. Not sure what use the library could make of it (YouTube) - but it's a part of our culture now so good to have a bit more exposure to it as a result of 23 Things.

Week 8 - Thing 19

Explored Web. 2.o site (Lulu). A fun site for anyone interested in buying, selling, publishing or conversing with other readers/writers. Site is easily navigated with books/videos categorized by genre. Advice from Lulu users/writers provided on variety of writing related topics. Any site that provides synopses/reviews of books seems useful for library personnel empowered to purchase/recommend books/videos for collection. Also useful for customers seeking information on current releases/recommendations for books/videos.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Week 8 - Thing 18

Created a mock concert ticket using Zoho Writer. Great resource for quickly creating a variety of documents. Template library easy to access and quite comprehensive.

Week 7 - Thing 17

Enjoyed playing in the sandbox - pretty clever - and lots of fun reading people's posts. I've run out of time this afternoon so will have to go back later to add to Favorite Things.

Week 7 Thing 16

I enjoyed learning more about Wikis - I thought Wikipedia was the only Wiki around! Honestly did not know that individuals/groups etc. could create their own wiki. I especially like the idea of libraries creating wikis to encourage reviews of library material (conventional material i.e. books/movies). The Princeton Library Book Lovers Wiki was especially nice - easy to use/attractively constructed - could have spend lots more time reading the reviews - particularly liked the menus available so that reviews could be accessed/created by genre.

Week 6 - Thing 15

The articles describing Library 2.0 were quite interesting, exciting and a little unsettling. I find it quite ironic that I am entering the Library profession at age 50 just when libraries are undergoing such radical/fundamental changes. These changes clearly have the potential to make the "library" something other than the library I grew up patronizing. However, these changes - as described/proposed in the Library 2.0 articles appear to be in keeping with similar changes occuring in schools, businesses and homes across the country/world. The amount of available/accessible information through the web is staggering - and the opportunities for people to interact/share/collaborate using this information seem limitless. I like the idea of a "barrier free library" - just like I like the idea of a "barrier" free community/world. I just hope I'm able to learn/acquire the skills I'll need to navigate it/and help others to do the same.

Week 6 - Thing 14

Completed the Technorati Tour and explored favorite blogs, top searches and top blogs. I'm amazed that blogging has become so ubiquitous that tools like Technorati even exist - makes sense though. I conducted a keyword search for "Learning 2.0" in Blog Posts (3,742), Blog Directory (276) and tags (no luck - tried but couldn't obtain any results - will have to try again). Also perused Engadet and Boing Boing just for fun and watched several videos (which I rarely do) on utube.

Week 6 - Thing 13

I enjoyed the tutorial although I had to view it twice because I'm still easily confused by the web 2.0 jargon. - as portrayed in the tutorial - appears to be an extremely useful and innovative tool for bookmarking web pages - and the prospect of sharing information culled from the web is intriguing. I can certainly see the advantages of using when conducting research - whether personal or professional.

Week 5 - Thing 12

I created a Rollyo searcholl for websites that provide information on celtic harps. I've been teaching myself to play the harp with limited success (but I enjoy it) and have also been spending time researching the history, construction and type of harps. I'm hoping that searchrolling these sites will make it easier to quickly access those sites that I frequent. The site is and my searchroll name is mrussharpsearchroll.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Week 5 - Thing 11

I have to admit that Library Thing is perhaps the most appealing Web 2.0 device I've encountered so far. You can deduce a great deal about someone from the books they read/and that subsequently comprise their library. I know one or two folks whose libraries are similar to my own and they're quite eccentric. It would be nice finding others. My Library Thing account is

Week 5 - Thing 10

I enjoyed exploring the various image generators - and especially liked the 3d Face Generator - not a flattering likeness but I'm 50 with vices so probably accurate. I plan on sharing the site with my sons - I know they'll get a kick out them.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Week 4 - Things 8 & 9

I've gotten behind so I'm a little late in posting - had a little difficulty setting up my blogline account - but seems okay now. I enjoyed selecting the feeds and look forward to perusing them as time goes along. Merlin also seems to be a useful sight and will hopefully be a great resource as I get opportunities to work the reference desk.